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Know maintenance gardening guide

Many people's #1 requirement in choosing a plant is that it be, "low maintenance". In their heads, people often think that means NO maintenance. Unfortunately, that kind of yard doesn't exist aside from paving the whole thing or not doing anything at all and letting it turn into a jungle. Trust me, you don't want to be "that house".

There is however what we call the

K(NO)W Maintenance Garden

The key to having a great garden is knowing what you're planting, why you're planting it and when and how to maintain them.

Understanding simple tasks and the benefits they have in maintaining and preserving your garden go a long way in making things low maintenance and easy.


Beat The Weeds

Weeding is 80% of the work in a garden. Turn it into 10% of the work instead!

A thick layer of wood mulch (4 to 6 inches) will smother most weeds and help prevent them from coming back. Pre-emergent herbicides, used in early spring before growth starts will keep weed seeds from germinating all summer long. Pre-emergents must be used early in the spring for best effect. If a weed or 2 slip through, be sure to get them when they're small before they go to seed! Use all of these techniques together to tame even the wildest weed patch. Beds become even easier to keep weed free after a season or two of these treatments.


Right Plant Right Spot

Some plants like it hot and dry. Others like shade and moisture. Some of the best plants are tough guys who can take a beating and look beautiful almost anywhere you plant them! Pick plants that naturally like the conditions in your garden. Don't try to make something work in a spot just because it's pretty. Work with what grows well in the conditions you have and that means less babysitting from you.

Come to Fasel and Sons anytime and we'll show you all of the best selections for your yard. Sun or shade, hot or dry, we'll make it easy.



Everything grows better when it's properly fertilized. Why not do it the easy way? Slow release fertilizers feed plants the perfect amount every day for up to 4 months with just one application. Granular organic fertilizers are naturally slow releasing. They feed continuously for one month per application. Whichever you pick, you can't go wrong.



Remember that thick layer of mulch you put down for weeds? It does double duty to help conserve water and slowly enrich the soil as it breaks down. How often should you water? Every garden is different, so you'll have to find out for yourself. Dig down into the soil. If the soil is dry a few inches down, it's time to water. When you do water, remember to soak the area slowly and deeply. Proper watering encourages strong, deep roots. Never give plants a light sprinkle. It's a good drenching that soaks the soil down deep or nothing at all. Your plants will thank you for it and you'll find yourself watering far less often.

Invest in a soaker hose. Just wind it through your garden (you can hide it underneath your mulch or groundcovers) and turn on the water. Set a timer on your phone and check back periodically. See how long it takes for the water to saturate the soil, note the time it took, and turn off the water.

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